

So today you get two posts because I forgot to publish the one written yesterday.

Today is a big day for me, as it is my last day in the office. I don't feel like it will set in until Monday though, I'm usually pretty elated on Friday's because of the weekend, so today feels no different. I couldn't let today go totally unnoticed though, so I had fun with my pics today.

I already received a good-bye call today from someone I look up to and respect. Words of encouragement are a little more meaningful when they come from someone you don't expect.
Speaking of words of encouragement, I just want to say hello to my second Mom... aka Mom-in-law. She was diagnosed with breast cancer this week, which is never good news. I am insisting on not crying. I know she has probably done enough crying for us all, so I have to stay smiling and make sure she is doing the same. So Mom, this one's for you. I promise to blog every day for you... I know you follow closely and I know you enjoy reading. So it may be a small contribution, but I hope it helps lift your spirits if you are feeling low. I love you!!!
Today's Useless Trivia:
Source of the name "Indiana Jones": it was the name of producer George Lucas' pet Malamute. Dogs rule!

1 comment:

Q's Daydream said...

Aww, so cute! ;o) Hi Mom!!!