No blogger likes to begin a post with an apology for absence. I have been up to my eyebrows in tasks and obligations. First, I would like to announce that the Hubs and I are officially licensed Realtors in Maryland! Yee-ha! Second, the promised update on the handbag I made for my trip to Florida. I would have liked to take more pics throughout the process, but I was in a pinch for time so pics weren't at the forefront of my mind.
This is the pattern and original fabric I had chosen for the lining.
This is the gaudy cord used at the center of the shoulder straps. It's not ugly when it is cloaked in faux leather.
My whole reasoning for making a bag in the first place was that I wanted a bag large enough to hold my camera and with a strap long enough to go across my chest, making it a hands-free victory in the airport. When I couldn't find what I wanted, I hit the sewing machine. I ingeniously decided half-way through that I could use spring clips and d-rings on the bag in order to have interchangeable straps, rendering the bag perfect for any situation. I also decided on a zebra lining and key charm for the zipper to make it super easy to open and close and find what I need in that handbag abyss.
Here is today's handbag affection. It is rainy and nasty, so I chose a grey, dreary and somewhat comfy outfit. First is the accross-the-chest strap.

Then the shoulder strap... excuse the ornery expression.
And lastly, each clip hooked to both d-rings. This is good when you want to tighten your grip without carrying the weight on your shoulder. I know this pose looks a little fruity, but I think it was the best to showcase the bag.
Blazer: H&M
T-shirt: The hub's side of the closet
Belt: Ganked from another dress, it's just a skinny cotton sash.
Jeans: Old Navy, believe it or not. This is the only pair of jeans I have ever found from ON that fit... I couldn't resist trying them on for $10, and they fit perfectly.
Socks: Target
Boots: Banana Republic stolen/borrowed from my Mom's closet. I love having access to her shoe wardrobe.
I also love having access to all of my old stand-by thrift stores. So far, I have only been able to visit one, in addition to a new one my bestie and I visited in Baltimore, but I have some great finds.
Ye 'ole Stirrup pants. Wait till you see how I transform these little beaut's that were a whopping one dollar.
A gloriously metallic 80's tank. It goes perfectly with the vintage belt I found years ago that is sitting in my closet waiting for the perfect outfit. With a pair of black skinny's... yikes that might be too 80's fab. Not. Gold tank: $2.50
Now if only I could find that gold metallic slap bracelet that used to be the center of my world.
Just in case you want a close-up of the clam-shell design.
My favorite fun find: a metallic tank dress. A little dumpy now, but it will be so-hot when it's done. The fabric is spectacular... it is metallic but light and sheer as cotton... not sheer enough to see detail, but sheer enough to see a sexy silhouette.

Look at this great 70's tag... just wanted to point out that it hangs a little, only a little, loose on me and it is sized a 14. SO not my modern-day size. So, don't be fooled when they say Marilyn Monroe was a size 6. I digress... the dress was $2.
A lovely dress from Lmited... the v-neck is in the front and the back. At $6 this was my priciest find.
I can't wait to pair this Banana Republic dress ($2) with a wide white belt and wedges.
Today's Useless Trivia:
Forsythia bushes (the beautiful bush I am standing in front of for today's outfit shot) are an ideal plant for borders or screens. The forsythia bush should be planted in full sun or light shade. The forsythia bush was named in honor of the royal British gardener William Forsyth who lived from 1737 to 1804.