Surviving the End of Maternity Leave
Cute clothes to follow.
It's All About the Food
Here is the Mexican feast I made. Mexican rice with chicken, tomatoes and corn, sweet corn tomalito and black bean cakes garnished with sour cream, avacado and a lime wedge. The rice couldn't have been simpler. It's just a ready made rice packet, but I jazzed it up by adding the chicken, tomato and corn. All you do is drop in your additives when the liquid comes to a boil. You have to remember to stir freqently though, because truth be told, mine was burnt on the bottom (good thing the Hubs does the dishes). I followed recipes for the black bean cakes and sweet corn tomalito, just click the links for the recipes. They are both fairly time consuming, so make sure you set aside a solid hour and a half for prep and cook time... two if you are having a glass of wine!

I also made a delicious rustic apple tart that couldn't have been easier to prepare. Just follow the recipe for your favorite pie crust (you could use ready made, but pie crust is so easy to make and is a world better), then quarter about two pounds of your favorite baking apples (I used Granny Smith). Then you add about a tablespoon of lemon juice, quarter cup of sugar and cinnamon to taste. Add the apples to a large skillet and toss for about 10 minutes. In the meantime roll out the dough to about a 12 inch circle. When the apples are done just pile them in the center of the dough leaving about 2 inches around the edges. Fold up the dough and then bake at 375 F for about 40 minutes. To enjoy to the fullest serve with vanilla ice cream.
Today's Random Trivia:
The biggest apple ever picked weighed in at three pounds and two ounces.
Thanks to Brad!
While I have been able to fit posting to my blog into the newborn baby schedule, I don't often have the chance to visit the blogs that I follow. When Brad posted advice to my comments it made me realize I haven't been to his blog for quite a while and it was has always been a big artistic inspiration to me. So I thought I'd stop by for a visit and I stumbled on these little gems.
I love this drawing because it is one of the hardest angles of the face to accurately capture. Foreshortening is always a challenge, but on a face it can sometimes seem impossible. Well done Brad!

If you want to check out more of Brads work, and I think you should, go by Blackbird Studio and enjoy the eye candy.
Today's Random Trivia:
Seasons and weather affect nail growth. Nails grow faster in warm climates and during daytime, than in cold climates and at night.
Mulligan in Prada

A Naked Distraction
Oscar Night Faves

Seriously, Helen Mirren is gorgeous. Her look proves that you can be age appropriate, stunning and sexy all at the same time.

I know that later I'll regret giving a nod to Miley Cyrus, but I just love this dress.
Chocolate Buttered Bread Pudding
8 oz. brioche (which I can never find, you can use just about any bread you can find)
Pat of butter
chocolate chips (I used a combination of milk and semi-sweet)
1 egg
2 egg yolks
4 tbsp sugar
15 oz can evaporated milk
1. Cut bread into 1/2 - 1 inch slices. Lightly butter one side of each slice.
2. Place layer of bread, buttered side down, in the bottom of a shallow oven proof dish. Sprinkle chocolate chips over the top (the amount you use is up to you... personally I like as many as possible)
3. Continue layering the bread and chocolate chips, finishing with a layer of bread on top.
4. Beat together the egg, yolks and sugar. Heat the milk in a small saucepan until it just begins to simmer. I use this as another opportunity to add chocolate... add more chips until melted, or if you don't have extra you can add a hot cocoa mix or chocolate syrup. Temper the eggs (add a little bit of the hot milk to the eggs in order to bring the eggs to temp without cooking them) and then add them to the milk mixture.
5. Pour the custard over the pudding and let stand for 5 minutes. Press the bread into the custard.
6. P;ace in a roasting pan filled with hot water. Water should come half way up pudding dish (creating a bain marie.)
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 F for about 30 to 40 minutes. Let cool for five minutes before serving. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. You can let it cool, but it is divine while hot.
I know it isn't the prettiest dessert before served, but I assure you it is simply delish!!!
A New Outlook
And the after shot! I was worried that the tight cut would accentuate my post delivery chub, but on the contrary! I feel like Ican see my cheekbones again!
So happy with the new do! Thank you so much Justin. If you live in the Baltimore area and are looking for an awesome sylist, go to Justin at Zen Head in Ellicot City. The salon is new, cute and chocked full of great stylists. As I said I have a new outlook on the world, my hair is allowing me more time with the baby. It even looks cute when I wake up to breastfeed in the middle of the night. God bless a good haircut!
Today's Random Trivia:
Most people have an average number of 100,000 hairs on their head.